Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ding Ding Round 1!

Ornament time is upon us. Damn near passed us by! EEK!

Here are numbers 2, 3, and 4.

What happened to #1? (remember the flamingos?)

Anywho, the second ornament of the year features a black shatterproof ball, beaded over with rainbow sherbert colors. (11/0sin magenta, orange, and electric slime green)

It is simple netting but the progression of colors does really cool stuff, dunnit Ern?

Looks even cooler spinning around in circles :)

Number 3 s a gift for two of our closest friends. They made mention that they have never received an ornament, so I asked their Christmas colors, and they replied magenta and turqouise, but its a dusty magenta and a blue-y turquoise. I think my colors are a bit vibrant, but I am pleased anyway.

It features magenta 11/0s turquoise 11/0s, turquoise fire polished beads, turquoise acrylic flowers and magenta drop beads.

Finally is number 4. I am all about rivolis and ornaments now. This one has blue rivolis with a peacock finish, small blue-green rounds, and gold 15/0s.

I like it even if the cover is too loose in one place and too loose in another. I think I'll call it blue jean.


  1. Amy, love the rainbow sherbet ornament... Almost had me licking my screen! LOL And against black, very striking!
    Have a very merry Christmas!

  2. Oh Amy You make the cutest ornaments! I love when you get your Christmas on!
